
Showing posts from September, 2020

Assam Police Constable Previous Papers || Download Constable Question Papers @

Assam Police Constable Previous Papers || Download Constable Question Papers @ The Assam Police Recruitment Board has released the Assam Police Constable Previous Papers for the applicants of the police constable posts. Download Assam Police Constable Year Wise Question Papers With Answer keys Pdf links. The aspirants who are applied for this Assam police constable recruitment can download the Assam Police Constable Exam Pattern 2020 and  Assam Constable Model Papers  through the online official website you may download from our site . Recruitment Board Assam Police Recruitment Board Name of the Posts Constable (Un-Armed Branch), Constable (Armed Branch) Total Vacancy 6661 Posts Category   Previous Papers Admit card Date AUG/SEP 2020 Exam Date  Expected to be in Jan/Feb 2021 Official Website or যিহেতু Assam police SI paper leak হৈছে। দেখা গৈছে যে  তাত অহা প্ৰশ্নসমূহ ৰাষ্টীয় levelr পৰীক্...

assam police si previous papers- assam slprb constable old question paper pdf

assam police si previous papers- assam slprb constable old question paper pdf Assam Police Constable & SI Model Paper 2020, SLPRB Assam SI / Constable Question Paper 2020, Assam Police Constable Model Paper 2020, Assam Police SI Model Paper 2020, Assam Inspector, Sub-Inspector, Head-Constable & Constable Question Paper 2020 at State Level Police Recruitment Board Assam, Rehabari, Guwahati is Going to Conduct the Constable & Sub Inspector (SI) Examination 2020, Assam Police Recruitment Board will announce its Constable & SI Exam 2020 Scheduled Announced soon.  Assam Police Constable & SI Model Paper 2020  Details can be checked on Download our website. ইয়াত উল্লেখ কৰা সকলোবোৰ প্ৰশ্ন আগতে অসম পুলিচৰ si, ab/ub লগতে বিভিন্ন অসম ভিত্তিত হোৱা competetive পৰীক্ষাত আহি গৈছে।  এই website ত দিয়া প্ৰশ্নসমূহ assampolice ৰ লগতে indian army, territorial army, transport, railway, ssc, assam TET, d.led, assam forest, irrigat...

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assam police question paper, assam police question answer 2020, assampolice questions paper 2016

assam police question paper, assam police question answer 2020, assampolice questions paper 2016 welcome to question assam police  Here we discuss about most important top10 question which is gurated to you 100% selection in assampolice. Most important question asssam police- 1 . When assam police established? অসম পুলিচৰ গঠন কেতিয়া হয়? Ans- 1826, assam 2 . Present DGP of assampolice? অসম পুলিচৰ বতমান DGP কোন? Ans-Shri Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta, IPS 3. Where has assampolice headquater? অসম পুলিচৰ মূখ্য কায্যালয় কত? Ans-Ulubari, Guwahati 4.Who was the first CM of assam? অসমৰ প্ৰথম মূখ্যমন্ত্ৰী কোন? Ans- Gopinath Bordoloi  5.Who was the first Assamese president of india? প্ৰথম অসমীয়া ৰাষ্ট্ৰপতি কোন? Ans-Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed 6.First person of Assam who awarded bharat ratna? প্ৰথম কোনজন অসমীয়াই ভাৰতৰত্ন পাইছিল? Ans- Gopinath Bordoloi 7.When was Sarighat war foughted? শৰাইঘাটৰ যুদ্ধ কেতিয়া হয়? Ans-1671 8. When was Play war foughted? পলাশী যুদ্ধ কেতিয়া...